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Simon Brattel a.k.a. Crem

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Would you buy used bytes from this man?

Strangely enough, people do. But probably, it has to be said, before looking at this picture...

The Story So Far

In the beginning was the olde joke, and they don't get much older than that one.

Most of the action round here, such as it is, can be found in the Grumble Blog so have a look there...

Design DesignStarted in 1976, Design Design was a 'company' name I invented to put on my early electronic designs. These were mostly audio, I'd hesitate now to use the term 'hi-fi', but I certainly did then. Fairly typical of the audio field they were idiosyncratic designs that emphasised one or two design concepts at the expense of every other aspect of the design. Still, I got better, whereas most of the audio world is still making this mistake... (more)

Computer Games In 1983 or so, computer games were starting to look like an interesting field to those who could write competent software, and also those who could not (eg. programmers)... (more)

Contract Design Blah, blah, blah...(less)

Various Companies Why one is never enough... (more)

Ongoing Projects Things I'd like to find time to do, aside from learning HTML... (more) .

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