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F{8+} z/W*́zċzݾ(*́zr җyw_~n f w~ (=o&)Gz~#foɂXXBYY"Z+|*:2:(:*T]w! !]T6A͠z$|T]6!L{u{0r2r!r{u: %~# ~#fo[#R0>2*""{~#{Hsn#f#">2>(tu{> (t#/{> (t>(t_{_{_{_{}0(t<8R=0(t00(t͕{͕{͕{͕{}0(t<8R( /(t:2=o&~#foV|j|zyrrrrrrsů2)J:)({!r 8   |Fxݶ<()~( 4 ~ ~ 7~(5= > (tވ~|͙uss> (tՈ*#< "#*#" !|{u%!}{u: :G:̿|:|!H}{u0{ !X}{u!]|t^#V+ Hah! You were defeated... You killed of the things You collected ring And you somehow scored point (Press Enter)Now try it with harder monsters and/or masked mazes if you dare... Use the option menu to set them Oi! Neil? Martin? They've beaten our Things... I told you they weren't nasty enough yet! You killed of the poor things You collected all the rings and the key And you scored point I suppose we should say congratulations...  Halls Of The Things  1  Play the standard game 2  Play blitz-halls  3  Instructions  4  Change the game options Designed without any aid from the computer. (c) Design Design Software Game Options  1 Change The Mazes  2 Change The Game Speed  3 Change The Noises  4 Change The Key LayoRAMP@ut  8 Return to main menu  9 Return to options menu Maze Options  1 Normal 2 Masked Game Speed  1 Slower 2 Normal 3 More aggressive 4 Really, really annoyed Noises  1 None  2 Awful Key Layout  1 Normal ZXNM, etc  2 Rob's WASD, etc  Movement keys  - Move LEFT - Move RIGHT  - Move UP - Move DOWN  Weapon keys  - Fire fireball - Fire lightning  - Fire arrow - Use sword  Misc. keys  Space - Center man1 - show status  - Drop item - Close a door Instructions Search the tower for the seven rings and try not to get killed while doing it. Then find the key in the bottom level to escape. Drink the magic potions (walk over them) to gain magic. This will automatically heal wounds and power your weapons. You don't have to attack the things but they'll show you no mercy either way. Use 'space' to align the screen often. Lightning '' repeat fires and Kickaha will defend himself with the sword automatically, but that won't help you much, so good luck... Oh - blitz-halls? Fires automatically, and your reflections can't hurt you. Have fun... The source code is available from www.desdes.com/products/oldfiles Halls Of The Things Hall of Fame Press SPACE to play or ENTER for options Please type in your entry.:!_: :G(":(G>O!]|! >w, !6>q!p6   lʹJ!oԇ0ކDֆކD*:L[{}}O >}}O >}}=O >}}͡_>‡x2==ʬ=ʜ:w}}}O >}}=O >}}l^:^:*L:G[˺* "*Z˼"!4#ÎJG==ʰ=ʷ͔x͔x>͔ڹxJJ:ʹ!o6#6!o6-!!͉ky#, !!6#o~6( ##6ˣOxG> w=`~ R~R ͮͼˆψ{ > w}}O ~ }}=O ~>2>:22s{ ͪ2͹H>2C͒͘0p>2!":(x2,2+ͳĕ͂܊-^:O͸ʩͤ=͎"#{>:+=2+:,2+:)(2)!6#>2͋"#{>ɯ2222>2 2 >x2>2>22 2 >2!""ޓ" !" !0!!X~(5+"C :G:ȯ2*"'~2&>2%ͼΊs͌*'"'͛ͼ:ā:(ݯ2*':&wͷ:%2&2ˋ8Ԙ:(2 :ȯ2:%2%*'~2&:%wͷ֢ъ:=2:!ģ:=2̣];!ģ(2 pOO!͛:<2g((!͛͸)_&lOR;Oͭg!;β~#ǶQ" ˬڭ'sR}ȼn&jG?Lâ.&o}_?⚸{1v#ˋ82: xO(W( W(>7O(>7xG(W( W(>7G(>7: x_(W( W(>7_(>7xO( xO(xO(>7xO(>7: !ģڌ2y :nj2>(>wͷ:=2Lڌ2y > Ô>2*: Ԙ *: (2~(~ (O~ ?~ 7 ~(+#~ (O#~ #~  <*]: 0Ny((3yȍɯ2<:((<2_!q> wͷs: :ͥ:<2~( =wwͷs> ù>2>2y_!.6> wͷy >2:"<2"s:":!p666666~w~(> !Rwͷ::(:ȯ2*:  !ģ*: Ԙ ~ ( : ~ :O! ~wͷ y2: h*~(!ģ(2> 2"2*: (9(%($+(#(#(~#((+*}(~ͷ:=2: Ԙ* "!:: _:G> G_^V*"~(~ͷɯ2>:G:=2x=2:_:ߑ~XC<.<.m~fQ''m7:  D>2=: :  />2(: : >2: : >2~:  UR#+ȷR+>2* ,<: :> >2 :ͣͣbR*~( ͅ!͚2222: 2*"*": 6 6 R02 ͹ܗ8 ": 2*ˋ02 ͹ܗ8 ": 2:G: *[R æ*"$>2*ͷ" *~$~*>2~ 2*"ͷW|W" :ô}~~(R6R62<2~:*: Ԙ "ƨG*~x0w(>2ܑ!ģ: &( &(:g|2*ޓTe%o:obg* : Rȯ2* > $S *ͷ" p˽<* ! ͛b,,: o$.$xqҴyҴa}~>})_|W* {o 0 zg0ѷzg7})o|g (^&[oNl&)^#V&o&)))`~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~}<<<oXq><<<o>Xg6> [_(RO{l&)^#V&o&)))`~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~}<<<oXqɯ<<<o>Xg6(Qw(QwJ*}p0|?g80~  ! 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Long time no see, what? RAMP@